
Shincheonji Church of Jesus: A Growing Movement in South Korea

The Shincheonji Church of Jesus, led by Chairman Lee Man-hee, continues to gain momentum in South Korea with its unique teachings and emphasis on the Word of God. With a recent gathering of over 80,000 members for a Sunday service in Cheongju, the church’s influence is expanding across the country.

Chairman Lee Man-hee, during his nationwide tour, emphasized the significance of the revealed Word of God to his followers. His visit to Cheongju was met with a welcoming procession stretching over 4 kilometers, showcasing the support and dedication of the church’s members. Additionally, more than 100 pastors from traditional churches joined the service, indicating a growing interest in Shincheonji’s teachings.

Chairman Lee’s Teachings and Nationwide Tour

In 2024 alone, Chairman Lee has visited over 40 churches, covering a distance equivalent to more than half the circumference of the Earth. His teachings on biblical prophecies, including the Book of Revelation, have resonated with many believers who find them difficult to interpret. This has led to a significant increase in the church’s membership and influence.

On the morning of September 8, 2024, over 80,000 people gathered at the Cheongju Church of the Matthias Tribe, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, for a Sunday service. This massive crowd, equivalent to one-tenth of Cheongju’s population, came together to hear Chairman Lee’s sermon. Members from other regions, including the John Tribe from southern Gyeonggi and Seoul, as well as key figures from churches across the country, also attended the service.

Significance of the Cheongju Church’s Anniversary

The event in Cheongju coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Cheongju Church’s founding, making it a particularly significant occasion for the congregation. Over 100 pastors from various Protestant churches also attended, eager to hear Chairman Lee’s teachings on the Word of God and biblical prophecies.

From early in the day, crowds of Shincheonji members lined up along a 4 km route from the Cheongju IC to the church to welcome Chairman Lee. Their deep appreciation for his clear explanations of biblical prophecies, especially the Book of Revelation, was evident in their enthusiastic reception. Many members expressed gratitude for Chairman Lee’s teachings, which have brought new insights and understanding to their faith.

Impact of Chairman Lee’s Teachings

Chairman Lee emphasized the importance of aligning one’s faith 100% with the Word of God to achieve unity with Him. He highlighted the significance of understanding the Book of Revelation, a revelation that had been unknown for 6,000 years. This emphasis on scriptural teachings has attracted many individuals who had previously felt spiritually unsatisfied in traditional churches.

One member shared how they had spent over 30 years in a Presbyterian church without finding spiritual understanding until they attended one of Chairman Lee’s lectures on the Book of Revelation. The clarity and depth of his teachings on biblical prophecies resonated with many, leading to a growing number of individuals turning to Shincheonji for spiritual guidance.

Seeking Deeper Spiritual Guidance

A survey conducted on 1,000 churchgoers over the age of 18 in September 2023 revealed that 65% of churchgoers in South Korea feel a spiritual thirst, with 55% expressing a desire for more structured biblical education from their pastors. This growing trend reflects the need for deeper spiritual guidance and understanding among believers in South Korea.

The decrease in the number of youth in their 20s and 30s attending Christian churches has been a concern for many traditional churches. However, Shincheonji Church has seen an increase in young adult members, with over 100,000 people completing an eight-month educational course every year. The church’s emphasis on a Word-centered faith and the uniqueness of the revealed Word has attracted a diverse range of individuals seeking spiritual fulfillment.

Shincheonji’s Educational Approach

A staff member of Shincheonji Church of Jesus highlighted the main takeaways from Chairman Lee’s teachings, emphasizing the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation in reality. The church’s structured curriculum and evidential proof of the prophecies’ fulfillment have resonated with believers from various backgrounds, leading to a growing acceptance of Shincheonji’s teachings.

Chairman Lee’s emphasis on the physical fulfillment of biblical prophecies has set Shincheonji apart from traditional churches, offering a unique perspective on the Word of God. His teachings have provided clarity and understanding to many individuals who had previously struggled to find spiritual fulfillment in traditional church settings.

As Shincheonji Church of Jesus continues to grow and attract new members, its emphasis on the Word of God and biblical teachings remains a cornerstone of its mission. The church’s commitment to providing structured biblical education and deep spiritual guidance has resonated with many believers seeking a deeper understanding of their faith.