
Police in Barcelona are currently on the hunt for Carles Puigdemont, the former separatist leader of Catalonia, who made a surprising return to Spain after seven years in exile. Despite an outstanding arrest warrant, Mr. Puigdemont was seen leaving a rally in a car earlier today and has managed to evade the authorities so far.

For the past few years, Mr. Puigdemont has been living in Brussels after being charged in connection to the failed attempt for Catalan independence in 2017. During that time, he and other pro-independence leaders organized a referendum which was deemed illegal by Spain’s constitutional court, leading to Catalonia declaring independence. In response, Madrid imposed direct rule on the region, prompting Mr. Puigdemont to flee to Belgium.

On Thursday morning, he briefly addressed his supporters near the Catalan parliament in Barcelona, declaring his return as a reminder that the fight for independence continues. Despite expectations of his presence at the investiture ceremony for the new head of the Catalan government, Mr. Puigdemont did not appear.

The Catalan police did detain an officer suspected of assisting Mr. Puigdemont in his escape, indicating potential insider help. Roadblocks were set up in Barcelona as well as at the border with France in La Jonquera, where police were searching vehicles.

The situation has sparked criticism and controversy, with some viewing the police operation as excessive and others calling for Mr. Puigdemont’s arrest. The far-right Vox party has vowed to do whatever it takes to ensure his apprehension, while his supporters continue to rally for his cause.

Mr. Puigdemont’s return seems to be motivated by a desire to pressure authorities to apply the new amnesty law, disrupt the investiture of the new Catalan president, and assert his party’s position as the leading pro-independence force. By returning to Spain, he aims to challenge the exclusion of his case from the amnesty law and create political turmoil within Catalonia.

The situation remains tense as the authorities continue their search for Mr. Puigdemont, and the implications of his return are yet to unfold fully. The political landscape in Catalonia is likely to be significantly impacted by these recent events, with implications for the region’s future governance and relationship with Spain.