
Revenue Crackdown on Contraband Unveils Illegal Activities in Dublin and Donegal

In a series of recent operations, Revenue officers in Dublin and Donegal have uncovered a significant amount of contraband worth an estimated €390,000. These seizures, conducted through intelligence-led efforts and with the assistance of Detector Dog Toby, have shed light on the prevalence of illicit activities in the region.

Discovery of Contraband and Cash Seizures

During the course of their investigations, Revenue officers came across 37,600 cigarettes of various brands in Dublin, valued at €31,000. This discovery could potentially result in a loss of €24,800 to the Exchequer. Additionally, a sum of €2,935 in cash along with a quantity of alcohol were seized in the operation. In a separate incident in Donegal, cash amounting to approximately €57,500, consisting of €42,102 in euros and £13,240 in sterling, was confiscated.

Two individuals, identified as women, have been questioned in connection with these findings. It is suspected that the seized cash is linked to criminal activities or intended for such purposes, leading Revenue to detain the funds in accordance with proceeds of crime legislation. Cash detention orders for a three-month period were granted in relation to each cash discovery, highlighting the seriousness of the potential illicit activities at play.

Additional Seizures and Investigations

In Dublin, further seizures were made by Revenue officers examining parcels, unveiling approximately 9.5kgs of herbal cannabis valued at nearly €189,000. Various other illegal drugs with an estimated worth of about €9,400 were also discovered, alongside a quantity of retail goods valued at over €101,000. The illegal drugs found in the parcels originated from countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Spain, and Thailand, with destinations spanning nationwide addresses.

Moreover, the seized retail goods were confiscated due to infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, underscoring the importance of upholding legal standards in all transactions. Investigations into all these seizures are currently ongoing, as Revenue officers delve deeper into the networks behind these illicit activities.

Revenue’s Ongoing Operations and Call for Information

These recent seizures are part of Revenue’s continuous efforts to combat smuggling and shadow economy activities in the region. Businesses and members of the public are encouraged to come forward with any information they may have regarding smuggling, as Revenue operates a confidential hotline at 1800 295 295 to facilitate the reporting of such illicit activities.

The crackdown on contraband in Dublin and Donegal serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive nature of illegal transactions and the need for constant vigilance to uphold the integrity of trade and commerce. With ongoing investigations and seizures, Revenue officers are determined to root out illicit activities and ensure compliance with legal regulations in all business dealings.