
Residents in South Dublin Oppose School’s Plans for Astroturf Pitch in Local Square

Locals in South Dublin, particularly around Kenilworth Square in Rathgar, have expressed their strong opposition to the proposed plans by a local school to install an astroturf sports pitch in the community square. The development, which has been met with outrage and concern, is feared to cause irreversible damage to the biodiversity of the area.

Historical Significance of Kenilworth Square

Kenilworth Square holds a significant historical value as a community space that dates back to the 1850s when the houses were first built. Originally intended as a communal area for residents, the three-hectare park has since been utilized as sports grounds by St Mary’s College in Rathmines since 1947. However, the recent proposal to install an astroturf pitch has sparked a heated debate among local residents.

Residents’ Concerns and Opposition

The proposed redevelopment of Kenilworth Square has raised several concerns among residents, with the primary focus being on the potential irreversible biodiversity damage that could result from the construction of the astroturf pitch. Many fear that the development will disrupt the natural environment of the area and lead to the removal of mature trees, which are essential for maintaining the ecological balance of the square.

Residents also express apprehension about the potential installation of 18-meter-high floodlights in the future if the pitch development proceeds. This additional infrastructure could have a detrimental impact on the surrounding environment and further disrupt the community’s peaceful setting.

Establishment of Protect Kenilworth Square Committee

In response to the proposed plans, a group of concerned residents formed the Protect Kenilworth Square Committee to actively oppose the development. The committee has been vocal in expressing their shock, disappointment, and concern over the lack of consideration for biodiversity, heritage, and the local community in the planning process.

Despite numerous attempts to engage with St Mary’s College and its planning consultants, the committee has faced resistance and indifference, leading them to take their objections public. They emphasize the importance of preserving Kenilworth Square as a Victorian garden square, highlighting its significance in Dublin’s rich Victorian heritage.

Residents’ Efforts to Preserve the Community Space

Residents residing in the vicinity of Kenilworth Square lament the lack of communication from St Mary’s College regarding the proposed development. Despite their past support for school events and activities held in the square, residents feel disregarded and excluded from the decision-making process, which directly impacts their living environment.

The residents have always welcomed sports activities and community gatherings in the square, viewing them as integral to the local culture and social fabric. They express concerns that the school’s intentions may extend beyond providing recreational facilities for students and instead focus on exploiting the space for commercial purposes.

Clarification from St Mary’s College

In response to the allegations of commercial motives, a source familiar with the plans on behalf of St Mary’s College refuted such claims, stating that any income generated from club rentals would solely cover the operational costs of the facility. The school maintains that the proposed astroturf pitch is a necessary upgrade to provide much-needed sporting facilities for local sports clubs in the D6/D8 areas.

While acknowledging the need to remove some ‘end-of-life’ trees for safety reasons, St Mary’s College reassures that new trees will be planted in their place to maintain the ecological balance of the square. The school emphasizes that the development aims to benefit the broader community by addressing the shortage of playing pitches in the area.

Legal Action and Objections

The Protect Kenilworth Square Committee has taken proactive measures by engaging legal and planning professionals to formally object to the planning exemption sought by St Mary’s College. The residents are determined to challenge the proposed development and protect the natural heritage of Kenilworth Square from irreversible damage.

Dublin City Council’s Response

Regarding the planning application, a spokesperson for Dublin City Council refrained from commenting on live applications but clarified the purpose of Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2000. The section allows individuals to seek a formal declaration from the planning authority to determine the need for planning permission for a specific project.

A decision on the planning exemption is expected within four weeks, and the applicant has the right to appeal to An Bord Pleanála if dissatisfied with the outcome. The council remains neutral in the process and operates based on the legal framework established by the Planning and Development Act.

Community Engagement and Advocacy

As the debate over the future of Kenilworth Square continues, residents, advocacy groups, and local authorities must collaborate to find a balanced solution that preserves the heritage and biodiversity of the area while meeting the recreational needs of the community. Open dialogue, transparency, and mutual respect are essential in fostering a harmonious relationship between stakeholders.


The controversy surrounding the proposed installation of an astroturf pitch in Kenilworth Square highlights the complex interplay between development, conservation, and community interests. While the school seeks to enhance its sporting facilities, residents are concerned about the potential environmental impact and loss of natural heritage.

As the Protect Kenilworth Square Committee and St Mary’s College navigate this contentious issue, it is crucial to prioritize dialogue, cooperation, and sustainability in finding a resolution that benefits all parties involved. By valuing the unique history and ecological significance of Kenilworth Square, stakeholders can work together to create a shared vision for the future of this cherished community space.