
A recent negative review of Foxy Lounge, an Italian restaurant in Dublin, has sparked controversy and garnered attention from both critics and supporters. The review, written by Corinna Hardgrave for the Irish Times, criticized the restaurant’s menu, decor, and overall dining experience.

The Scathing Review

Hardgrave’s review began by stating that “Tuscan grandmothers would be crying into their floury aprons” at the sight of Foxy Lounge’s offerings. She described the restaurant’s location as being “wedged between a Circle K garage and The Defenders 4×4 dealership on a side road in Donnybrook,” setting the tone for her critique.

As she delved into the menu, Hardgrave was unimpressed by the pretentious descriptions of dishes such as “Venus Desire Pearls” and “Quattro Formaggi Elegance.” She expressed skepticism about the high prices, particularly for items like the Venus desire pearls, priced at €110, and the antipasti di Lusso, priced at €40.

Critical Analysis of the Food

The review went on to criticize the quality of the food at Foxy Lounge. Hardgrave described the oysters as “steamed lumps, swollen like they have spent too long in a sauna,” and the house-made fettuccine as “thick enough to give your jaw a workout.” She also found fault with the “quattro formaggi elegance” pizza, noting that the base was rigid and the cheese was sparse.

Despite these shortcomings, Hardgrave did find some praise for the dessert, specifically the “velvet tiramisu,” which she described as enjoyable. However, her overall assessment of the food was largely negative.

Decor and Atmosphere

In addition to critiquing the food, Hardgrave also commented on the decor of Foxy Lounge. She noted the excessive use of gold accents, including lamps, ice buckets, cutlery, and even a fake plastic diamond-topped teaspoon. The purple walls with gold flecks were likened to a unicorn sneezing glitter everywhere, emphasizing the over-the-top aesthetic of the restaurant.

Response from Foxy Lounge

Following the publication of the review, Foxy Lounge director Eva Liang Tang responded to the criticism. She expressed disappointment at the negative review, stating that it was hurtful to the new business. Tang defended the restaurant’s pricing, stating that it was based on their costs and expenses, and emphasized their commitment to bringing something new to the Dublin restaurant market.

Tang also addressed the criticism of the restaurant’s decor, stating that they were trying to add new elements to the dining experience. She underscored their dedication to serving the local community and expressed hope that people would be more inclusive and welcoming to outsiders.

In conclusion, the negative review of Foxy Lounge has sparked controversy and raised questions about the restaurant’s offerings and pricing. While critics like Corinna Hardgrave have raised valid concerns about the quality of the food and the decor, supporters of Foxy Lounge, including director Eva Liang Tang, maintain that they are committed to providing a unique dining experience in Dublin. Ultimately, the debate surrounding Foxy Lounge highlights the subjective nature of food criticism and the importance of constructive feedback in the restaurant industry.