
James ‘Jaws’ Byrne, a notorious criminal in Dublin, recently passed away at the age of 76. Known for his involvement in the Kinahan Hutch feud, Byrne played a key role in sanctioning a revenge campaign following the shooting death of his son David in the Regency Hotel in 2016. This led to a series of brutal murders orchestrated by his associates, ultimately claiming the lives of dozens of men.

The Revenge Campaign Unveiled

After the tragic loss of his son, Byrne, also known as ‘Jemmy’ by those closest to him, authorized a ruthless revenge campaign targeting key members of the Hutch gang. Associates of Byrne ordered members of the Kinahan cartel to eliminate anyone believed to be associated with his son’s killing. Just three days after David’s death, Eddie Hutch, brother of Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch, was murdered outside his home in Dublin’s North Inner City.

The plot extended to include Patsy Hutch and his son Patrick Jr, as they were suspected of involvement in the shooting. Byrne, with connections to criminal figures like Martin ‘The General’ Cahill, stood by and allowed the vicious attacks to take place. The feud escalated, resulting in 16 more deaths as the Kinahan cartel sought revenge on those connected to the Hutch gang.

Byrne’s Anger and Denial

Following the collapse of the murder trial of Patrick Hutch Jr in 2019, Byrne expressed his frustration and disbelief. He criticized the protection given to Patsy Hutch by the authorities, questioning the fairness of the situation. Despite his involvement in the revenge campaign, Byrne vehemently denied being part of any crime gang. He distanced himself from the Kinahan cartel, emphasizing that his family had no association with them.

In an interview, Byrne adamantly stated, “We’re a family, not a crime family, a family.” He refuted claims of threats originating from his family and rejected any ties to criminal activities. Despite his criminal background and connections, Byrne maintained that his family was unfairly targeted and misrepresented in the media.

Byrne’s Criminal History and Wealth

While Byrne was known for his criminal activities and associations, he also led a lavish lifestyle. Living in a grand house in Crumlin with his wife Sadie, Byrne traveled extensively and enjoyed luxury trips abroad. However, his wealth was scrutinized by the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB), leading to investigations into his finances.

Byrne’s involvement in money laundering and connections to criminal groups were highlighted by the High Court in 2018. Although not a member of the Byrne organized crime group, Byrne and his family were implicated in money laundering activities and had access to the proceeds of criminal enterprises. Despite settling cases with the Revenue Commissioners, Byrne’s financial dealings raised questions about the source of his wealth.

The Legacy of James ‘Jaws’ Byrne

James ‘Jaws’ Byrne’s death marks the end of a controversial and tumultuous chapter in Dublin’s criminal underworld. His involvement in the Kinahan Hutch feud and his role in authorizing a revenge campaign have left a lasting impact on the city’s crime scene. Despite his denial of criminal ties and assertions of innocence, Byrne’s legacy is intertwined with violence, revenge, and the consequences of his actions.

As Dublin mourns the passing of a notorious figure, the repercussions of Byrne’s decisions continue to reverberate throughout the community. The legacy of ‘Jaws’ Byrne serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of vengeance, criminality, and the high price of seeking retribution in a world rife with violence and betrayal.