
Waterways Ireland has been inundated with complaints regarding the barriers that have been erected along Dublin’s Grand Canal. The barriers were installed to prevent international protection applicants and homeless individuals from camping along the canal. The issue has sparked controversy and led to a series of complaints, both formal and informal, from concerned citizens.

Public Outcry

The controversy surrounding the barriers along Dublin’s Grand Canal has prompted a wave of public outcry. Waterways Ireland has confirmed that they have received over 106 informal complaints, in addition to five formal complaints, regarding the fencing that has been put in place. The complaints cover a variety of issues, including the presence of tents, requests for their removal, concerns about the fencing itself, reports of damage to the barriers, worries about loss of amenity value, and questions about the schedule for removal and replacement of the barriers with more suitable solutions.

A spokesperson for Waterways Ireland has acknowledged the concerns raised by the public and emphasized the organization’s commitment to addressing them. They have stated that Waterways Ireland provides regular updates on their website as new information becomes available. The organization strives to respond to all correspondence in a timely manner, typically within 20 working days. While they acknowledge that the current fencing situation along the canal is less than ideal, they maintain that it is necessary to prioritize health and safety.

Community Engagement

Waterways Ireland has engaged with representatives from local communities along the canal to address their concerns and explore options for fully reopening the canal amenity. The organization is working in collaboration with Dublin City Council to develop a plan for accelerating a landscaping and biodiversity program in the affected areas. This joint effort aims to find a solution that ensures the safety and well-being of the public while also preserving the natural beauty of the canal.

The plan for reopening the canal amenity includes a comprehensive approach that takes into account the diverse needs of the community. Waterways Ireland is committed to implementing this plan in a timely manner, with the goal of starting works on the ground as soon as possible. The organization recognizes the financial implications of maintaining the fencing and is actively seeking ways to reduce costs and optimize resources.

Community Protest

In response to the ongoing controversy surrounding the fencing along Dublin’s Grand Canal, a new protest has been organized by The Take Back Our Spaces Coalition. The coalition includes various community organizations, such as the Communities Action Tenants Union (CATU), People Before Profit Dublin, and Social Rights Ireland. The protest, named Home Not Fences, is scheduled to take place outside the Department of Integration on Baggot Street.

The protesters are demanding that the government provide adequate accommodation for international protection applicants rather than resorting to barriers and exclusionary tactics. They argue that the root cause of the issue lies in the housing crisis created by government policies and the Department of Integration’s failure to fulfill its obligations to those in need of protection. The protest aims to shed light on the struggles faced by homeless individuals and advocate for more compassionate and effective solutions to address their needs.

As the debate over the barriers along Dublin’s Grand Canal continues to unfold, it is clear that a collaborative and community-driven approach is needed to find a resolution. By engaging with local stakeholders, listening to their concerns, and working together to explore viable options, Waterways Ireland and other relevant authorities can strive to strike a balance between safety, accessibility, and community well-being. Only through open dialogue, transparency, and a commitment to finding common ground can a sustainable and inclusive solution be achieved.