
Sustainable Living Enthusiast Reveals Unconventional Laundry Method

In a world where laundry is a constant chore that can take a toll on both our time and the environment, one sustainable living enthusiast is challenging the status quo. Cydney, a young wildlife conservationist from Surrey, has garnered attention on TikTok under the handle @cydney214 for her unique approach to washing clothes – or rather, not washing them.

Cydney claims that she only washes her clothes once a year, yet they remain odour-free and in good condition. This may sound shocking to many, as the idea of not washing clothes regularly goes against the societal norm. However, Cydney’s method is not only sustainable but also beneficial for the planet and our wallets.

The Case for Less Frequent Washing

While the thought of wearing the same clothes for a year without washing them may seem unhygienic to some, Cydney argues that it’s actually unnecessary to launder garments as often as we do. She points out that wool, in particular, has natural anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that prevent odours and stains, making it possible to go longer periods without washing.

Scandinavian clothing care brand, Steamery, supports Cydney’s claims by highlighting the benefits of wool over synthetic materials. Wool garments stay fresh longer between washes, resulting in fewer washes throughout the garment’s lifecycle and a lower environmental impact.

Cydney’s Unconventional Approach to Laundry

On her TikTok page, Cydney demonstrates her method of cleaning clothes using water and fabric softener in the kitchen sink. She emphasizes the importance of using high-quality wool and cashmere, as these materials do not require frequent washing like synthetic fabrics do. By following her soaking and rinsing process, Cydney shows how she maintains her clothes’ quality without damaging them through excessive washing.

The vintage clothing enthusiast acknowledges that her approach may not be suitable for everyone, but she encourages individuals to invest in quality garments that can withstand infrequent washing. By reducing the number of washes, Cydney believes we can minimize microplastic pollution in the ocean and prolong the lifespan of our clothing.

Positive Responses to Cydney’s Method

Cydney’s unconventional laundry method has sparked discussions among viewers, with many expressing support for her approach. Commenters have shared their own experiences of wearing clothes multiple times before washing them, citing that the garments still remain fresh and odour-free.

Some TikTok users have adopted Cydney’s suggestion of wearing underlayers made of cotton or linen, which can be washed more frequently to absorb sweat. This combination of materials allows individuals to maintain hygiene while reducing the frequency of washing their main garments.

Overall, Cydney’s message promotes a more thoughtful and sustainable approach to clothing care, emphasizing the importance of quality over quantity. By rethinking our laundry habits and investing in durable, natural materials, we can not only extend the lifespan of our clothes but also reduce our impact on the environment.