
Fingal County Council Invites Applications for Built Heritage Investment Scheme Funding

Fingal County Council is once again extending a helping hand to property owners in the Fingal region by calling for applications for the 2025 Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS). This scheme aims to provide financial support for conservation works and repairs to Protected Structures and buildings that enhance Architectural Conservation Areas within the region.

In the previous year, a substantial amount of almost €260,000 was allocated to 42 projects across Fingal. These projects were diverse and included various initiatives under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme, Stitch in Time grants, and the Historic Structures Fund. The success of these grants has been instrumental in preserving Fingal’s rich architectural heritage.

Applications for the BHIS funding are now open, with Fingal’s Architectural Conservation Officers, Helena Bergin and Bronagh Lanigan, overseeing the process. Helena Bergin emphasized the importance of maintaining older buildings and structures that contribute positively to the character of the region or hold significant value to the local community.

She stated, “To ensure their continued survival, it is crucial for these structures to be kept in good repair. The Built Heritage Investment Scheme has been pivotal in assisting property owners in carrying out appropriate conservation works and supporting them in their role as custodians of Fingal’s architectural heritage.”

Looking ahead, the council is eager to see more funding allocated towards the protection and preservation of the region’s built environment through the 2025 BHIS. This year, the scheme offers increased grant aid, ranging from €2,500 to €50,000, due to the amalgamation of Stream 1 of the Historic Structures Fund into the BHIS. Furthermore, the percentage of funding awarded has also been raised, with the potential for public funding to cover up to 80% of the cost of works.

Eligible projects for funding include the conservation and repair of the historic/original fabric of Protected Structures, buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas, Historic Shopfronts, and non-protected Vernacular Structures. Property owners interested in applying for funding can access application forms and detailed information on Fingal County Council’s Built Heritage Investment Scheme webpage.

Applications for the BHIS funding must be submitted by 5PM on FRIDAY, 27TH SEPTEMBER 2024. Property owners are encouraged to seize this opportunity to secure financial support for the preservation of Fingal’s architectural heritage.

The Importance of Conservation Works and Repairs in Fingal

Conservation works and repairs play a crucial role in maintaining the historical and cultural significance of Fingal’s built environment. With a rich architectural heritage spanning centuries, the region is home to a diverse range of structures that contribute to its unique character and charm.

By investing in the preservation of Protected Structures and buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas, Fingal County Council is not only safeguarding the physical integrity of these properties but also ensuring that their historical value is passed down to future generations. The funding provided through schemes like the BHIS enables property owners to undertake necessary conservation works that would otherwise be financially burdensome.

Through the efforts of dedicated conservation officers like Helena Bergin and Bronagh Lanigan, property owners are guided and supported in their conservation endeavors. This collaborative approach between property owners and the council ensures that Fingal’s architectural heritage is protected and cherished for years to come.

Maximizing the Benefits of BHIS Funding for Property Owners

Property owners in Fingal stand to gain significant benefits from applying for the BHIS funding. With increased grant aid and a higher percentage of funding available, property owners can undertake more extensive conservation works and repairs without incurring substantial costs.

By leveraging this financial support, property owners can enhance the structural integrity of their buildings, improve their aesthetic appeal, and contribute to the overall preservation of Fingal’s architectural heritage. The BHIS funding empowers property owners to take proactive steps towards maintaining and safeguarding their properties for the benefit of the community at large.

Moreover, by participating in conservation efforts funded through the BHIS, property owners not only fulfill their role as custodians of Fingal’s architectural heritage but also contribute to the cultural vibrancy and historical significance of the region. The impact of these conservation works extends beyond individual properties, shaping the collective identity and character of Fingal as a whole.

In conclusion, the 2025 Built Heritage Investment Scheme presents a valuable opportunity for property owners in Fingal to receive financial support for conservation works and repairs. By actively engaging with this scheme, property owners can play a pivotal role in preserving Fingal’s architectural heritage and ensuring that its historical legacy endures for generations to come.