
Dublin Portal Expands Connectivity to Two New Cities, More Additions Coming Soon

The Dublin Portal, a groundbreaking public art installation that has been connecting people from New York and Dublin since May of this year, has now expanded its reach to include two new cities: Vilnius in Lithuania and Lublin in Poland. This expansion marks a significant milestone in the project’s mission to unite people across borders and create a sense of global unity.

Expansion to Vilnius and Lublin

The addition of Vilnius and Lublin to the Dublin Portal network represents a major step forward in the project’s goal of creating a global network of Portals that transcends geographical boundaries. The Portals now rotate every three minutes between Dublin, New York, Vilnius, and Lublin, allowing visitors to experience different locations and cultures in real time.

The Lord Mayor of Dublin, James Geoghegan, expressed his excitement about the network’s expansion, stating, “The Portal in Dublin has attracted over 340,000 visitors since its launch in May and has brought a new lease of life to North Earl Street. We are delighted to see the network of cities expand to Vilnius and Lublin and look forward to seeing more people enjoy the Portals experience.”

Similarly, Lublin’s deputy mayor, Beata Stepaniuk-KuĊ›mierzak, emphasized the importance of connecting cities through the Portal project, saying, “We are excited that our Portal is growing in reach and popularity, opening up unlimited opportunities for communication and collaboration on an international scale. Thanks to the installation, we can now peek into New York’s Manhattan and Dublin’s city centre, share culture, experiences and initiate new projects together.”

The creator of the project, Benediktas Gylys, shared his vision for the Portals, stating, “The Portals mission is about building multiple Portals, which together form a global entity – a bridge to a united planet that invites people of distant cultures to meet above borders, differences, and narratives.” The expansion to Vilnius and Lublin represents a significant step towards achieving this vision.

Challenges and Controversies

While the Dublin Portal project has been successful in connecting people across borders, it has not been without its challenges and controversies. The portal in Dublin quickly went viral, attracting attention for its unique concept and innovative technology. However, incidents of inappropriate behavior from spectators on both ends, including flashing the camera and showing sexual images on their phones, led to the temporary shutdown of the installation.

In response to these incidents, the Dublin Portal now includes a feature where if an individual steps on the monument, the camera will be automatically blurred on both ends. Additionally, the installation now has set opening hours, running from 1pm until 8pm in Dublin and 8am to 3pm in New York, to ensure a safe and respectful environment for visitors.

The challenges and controversies faced by the Dublin Portal project highlight the importance of maintaining respectful behavior and ethical conduct in public spaces. As the project expands to include more cities and locations, it will be crucial to address these issues proactively to ensure that the Portals continue to serve as a platform for positive communication and cultural exchange.

Future Plans and Expansion

Despite the challenges faced by the Dublin Portal project, the creators remain optimistic about the future of the network. More Portals are expected to be added later this year, further expanding the reach and impact of the project. The goal is to create a global network of Portals that promotes unity, collaboration, and understanding among people from different cultures and backgrounds.

The expansion to Vilnius and Lublin represents a significant step forward in achieving this goal. By connecting cities across Europe and North America, the Dublin Portal project is paving the way for a new era of international communication and collaboration. As the network continues to grow and evolve, it will be exciting to see how the Portals bring people together and foster meaningful connections across borders.

In conclusion, the Dublin Portal project has expanded its reach to include two new cities, Vilnius and Lublin, marking a significant milestone in the project’s mission to unite people across borders. Despite challenges and controversies, the creators remain committed to promoting unity and understanding through the Portal network. With more Portals expected to be added in the future, the project is poised to continue growing and connecting people from around the world.