
Turn2Me, a well-known mental health charity, has recently voiced their concerns regarding the increasing popularity of the “Trad Wife” trend on social media. This trend promotes a return to traditional gender roles, where women are expected to prioritize homemaking and submission to their husbands.

The charity highlighted five major reasons why they believe the “Trad Wife” trend is harmful. Firstly, they pointed out that this trend reinforces outdated and harmful gender stereotypes that limit individual potential and tie a person’s worth to traditional gender norms. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem for those who do not fit into these narrow roles.

Secondly, Turn2Me emphasized that the “Trad Wife” trend undermines gender equality by suggesting that women’s empowerment is less valuable than fulfilling traditional roles. This can hinder progress towards achieving equal opportunities for all genders and discourage men from embracing more nurturing roles.

Furthermore, the charity warned that the extreme submissive dynamics promoted by the “Trad Wife” trend can lead to unhealthy relationship patterns where one partner holds power over the other. This can result in emotional and psychological harm, including feelings of being trapped, resentment, dependency, and even abuse.

In addition, Turn2Me expressed concerns that the pressure to conform to the unrealistic expectations set by the “Trad Wife” trend can contribute to increased mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and a sense of failure. Men may also experience stress, burnout, and emotional distress due to the expectation of being the sole financial provider in the household.

Lastly, the charity highlighted the financial pressure that the “Trad Wife” trend places on men, noting that many of the influencers promoting this trend come from wealthy backgrounds or have other sources of income. However, for most households, relying on one parent as the sole provider is not financially feasible. This pressure can lead to significant stress, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy for men who struggle to meet all the financial demands of their household.

In conclusion, Turn2Me is advocating against the harmful impacts of the “Trad Wife” trend and urging individuals to prioritize mutual respect, equality, and shared responsibilities in relationships. They emphasize the importance of supporting mental health and well-being by challenging outdated gender norms and promoting healthy relationship dynamics.