
More than 200 organizations have come together to send an open letter to various political leaders in the UK and Ireland, urging them to take action against online hatred and violence. The letter highlights the spread of fear and racism by certain individuals and groups on social media platforms, leading to real-life consequences such as riots and violence in various cities.

The signatories of the letter stress the importance of holding social media platform bosses accountable for the harmful content that is allowed to spread on their platforms. They call for urgent measures to prevent further violence, protect vulnerable communities, and stop the spread of hate speech online.

One of the key points raised in the letter is the need to disrupt the algorithms that promote hateful and violent content on social media platforms. The signatories argue that these algorithms prioritize emotionally manipulative content to drive engagement, leading to the spread of harmful messages and misinformation.

The organizations behind the letter emphasize the need for collective action from governments to address the issue of online hatred. They call for public forums where platform bosses can be questioned about their actions (or lack thereof) in addressing hate speech and violence online. Additionally, they propose a joint public inquiry to investigate the operations of major social media companies and identify gaps in legislation that need to be addressed.

The letter represents a united front from civil society groups, trade unions, community organizations, and other stakeholders in the UK, Ireland, and beyond. It calls for a coordinated effort to combat online hatred and ensure that social media platforms are held accountable for the content they allow to circulate on their platforms.

In conclusion, the signatories of the open letter are urging political leaders to take immediate action to address the spread of online hatred and violence. They emphasize the need for transparency and accountability from social media platform bosses, as well as updated legislation to address the gaps that allow harmful content to thrive online. The full text of the letter and list of signatories can be found on the Hope and Courage Collective website.