
Spiders can be quite the unwelcome guests in our homes, especially during the wet weather followed by a heatwave that forces them indoors. If you’ve noticed an increase in these creepy crawlers lately, fear not. There are some simple, natural ways to repel spiders without the use of harmful chemicals. Here are five common household items you can use to keep those eight-legged creatures at bay.

### Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a perfect deterrent for spiders as they cannot stand its smell. The ground version of cinnamon works best, and you may already have it in your spice rack. If not, you can use dried sticks or burn a scented candle to keep spiders away. Simply sprinkle cinnamon in areas where spiders tend to lurk, such as corners, cracks, and entryways.

### Vinegar
While not as strong-smelling as cinnamon, vinegar can also help repel spiders. A solution of half white vinegar and half water can be mixed in a spray bottle and sprayed in areas where spiders may enter your home, such as corners, cracks, and holes. Just be cautious when using vinegar on varnished surfaces, as it can cause damage.

### Citrus
Spiders also detest the smell of citrus, making it another effective repellent. Rubbing orange or lemon peel along skirting boards, window sills, and shelves can help keep spiders at bay. You can also use lemon-scented cleaning products or scented candles to create a citrusy barrier against these unwanted guests.

### Garlic
Garlic is not only a great ingredient in cooking but also a natural spider deterrent. You can crush whole cloves or use garlic powder in a spray bottle with water to create a potent spider-repelling mixture. Spray this solution around entryways and other areas where spiders may enter your home to keep them away.

### Mint
Mint is another effective spider repellent that can be easily found in households. One clever tip shared by a woman named Sylvia involved using mint leaves with antibacterial cleaner and water to create a spider-repelling spray. Spraying this mixture around windowsills and doorways can help keep spiders at bay, as they dislike the scent of mint.

By using these natural remedies, you can create a spider-free environment in your home without the need for harsh chemicals. Not only are these methods effective, but they are also safe for your family and pets. So next time you spot a spider lurking around, reach for these common household items to keep them at bay.