
SIPTU, the largest trade union in Ireland, has expressed its satisfaction with the progress made through the ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign in collaboration with the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) Senior Leadership Team. The talks held between the parties this week have resulted in positive outcomes for the staff of the national sporting organization, particularly in terms of pay and working conditions.

Proactive Engagement and Commitment

Greg Ennis, SIPTU Deputy General Secretary, commended the proactive engagement between the FAI and the FAI Shop Stewards in recent discussions. Ennis highlighted the commitment from the FAI to extend their current approach to end-of-year pay increases for staff for an additional two years, as well as their willingness to engage on other pressing issues.

Ennis emphasized the benefits of this collaborative approach for both the organization and the overall development of football in Ireland. He praised the FAI Leadership Team for their respect towards the workforce, noting that it sets a positive precedent for future interactions within the FAI.

EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages

Ennis also pointed out the significance of the ongoing discussions in light of the upcoming deadline for Ireland to transpose the EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages. The directive underlines the importance of promoting collective bargaining, especially in economies where the coverage is below 80%. Ennis stressed the need for more action to ensure that workers are afforded this fundamental right, given Ireland’s current standing below the recommended threshold.

Support for the ‘Our Union, Our Team’ Campaign

Paul Keogh, FAI Football Development Officer and SIPTU Shop Steward, shared his perspective on the ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign’s progress. Keogh announced the suspension of any further public actions by the campaign, as the SIPTU Shop Stewards plan to engage with the FAI through the newly established staff consultative structure.

Keogh expressed optimism about the potential for unified teamwork within the FAI, where the workforce’s voice will be represented by an independent trade union. He reiterated the shared goal of enhancing football in Ireland through collaborative efforts.

Paul Whelan, also an FAI Football Development Officer and SIPTU Shop Steward, echoed Keogh’s sentiments regarding the importance of fostering a culture of shared expertise and cooperation within the FAI. Whelan highlighted the positive reception from domestic football supporters for the ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign and emphasized the need to channel that energy towards the long-term development of the sport at all levels.

FAI’s Commitment to Staff Engagement

Aoife Rafferty, FAI People and Culture Director, underscored the Senior Leadership Team’s dedication to staff engagement and consultation. Rafferty expressed delight at the involvement of local SIPTU Shop Stewards in the FAI Staff Engagement Group, emphasizing the importance of ongoing collaborative discussions.

The FAI Staff Engagement Group aims to provide a platform for staff to share perspectives, ideas, and work towards common goals within the organization. Rafferty thanked Keogh and Whelan for their contributions thus far and looked forward to continued collaboration with them.

Overall, the progress made through the ‘Our Union, Our Team’ campaign and the collaborative efforts between SIPTU and the FAI demonstrate a positive step towards enhancing working conditions and promoting staff engagement within the national sporting organization. The commitment to ongoing discussions and the establishment of structures for employee representation bode well for the future development of football in Ireland.