
Support Urged for Small Hospitality Businesses in Fingal

In a recent development at the Balbriggan/Swords Area Committee meeting, Fine Gael Councillor Luke Corkery has made a passionate plea for the continued support of small hospitality businesses in Fingal. The focal point of the discussion revolved around the fate of ‘parklets,’ which are temporary wooden structures installed on public streets to aid hospitality businesses during the pandemic when indoor dining was restricted. While these parklets served a crucial purpose during challenging times, the debate now centers on whether they should be removed or retained.

Corkery’s Motion for Retention of Parklets

Councillor Luke Corkery, who represents the Swords electoral area, brought forth a motion during the meeting calling for the acknowledgment of the positive impact of outdoor dining spaces on the physical appearance of streets, businesses, and the local economy post-pandemic. Corkery emphasized the significance of outdoor dining areas in providing a much-needed boost to the struggling hospitality sector. He cited examples of businesses in Swords that have thrived due to the additional foot traffic generated by their outdoor dining spaces.

One such business is a café that has invested in kitchen facilities to cater to the increased demand facilitated by the outdoor seating. The presence of parklets has significantly enhanced their visibility and customer base, ensuring their sustainability in challenging times. Similarly, a restaurant owner emphasized the critical role of outdoor space in securing the future survival of their establishment amidst tough market conditions. Corkery’s motion aimed to retain all existing parklets to support these businesses and preserve the vibrancy they bring to the local community.

Manager’s Report and Commitment to Outdoor Dining

In response to Corkery’s motion, the Manager’s Report highlighted the Council’s support for outdoor dining as a integral component of future public realm projects. The report indicated a commitment to engaging with hospitality businesses to ensure their concerns are addressed and their needs are met effectively. Businesses that have benefited from outdoor dining spaces expressed the desire for a clear commitment from the Council regarding the preservation of these areas and the assurance that they would not be repurposed for other uses, such as car parking.

Corkery welcomed the Manager’s commitment to actively involve hospitality businesses in discussions regarding outdoor spaces in the upcoming months. The collaborative approach adopted by the Council reflects a willingness to listen to the needs of local businesses and work towards sustainable solutions that benefit the entire community. The motion put forth by Corkery was ultimately endorsed by the committee, signaling a positive step towards supporting small hospitality businesses in Fingal.

Community Support for Outdoor Seating Areas

Skerries Councillor Tom O’Leary, who chairs the Area Committee, echoed Corkery’s sentiments and expressed his support for retaining outdoor seating areas at local cafés. O’Leary highlighted his visit to establishments like Goat Café in Rush and Cabana Café at Balbriggan Train Station, where outdoor seating has been well-received by customers. The ambiance created by outdoor dining spaces has not only enhanced the dining experience but also contributed to the economic viability of these businesses.

The community’s positive response to outdoor seating areas underscores the value they bring to the local economy and the social fabric of Fingal. As residents embrace the opportunity to dine al fresco and enjoy their surroundings, it becomes evident that outdoor spaces play a vital role in fostering a vibrant and inclusive community atmosphere. By supporting the retention of parklets and outdoor dining areas, stakeholders are not only bolstering businesses but also enriching the overall quality of life for residents in Fingal.


In conclusion, the call for continued support for small hospitality businesses in Fingal reflects a collective effort to nurture a thriving local economy and promote community well-being. The retention of outdoor dining spaces, such as parklets, serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of businesses in the face of adversity. By prioritizing the needs of these establishments and recognizing the value they bring to the community, Fingal sets a precedent for proactive and collaborative decision-making that benefits all stakeholders involved. As the dialogue on outdoor dining continues, it is essential to maintain a holistic approach that considers the interests of businesses, residents, and the broader community to ensure a sustainable and vibrant future for Fingal’s hospitality sector.