
World Suicide Prevention Day 2024: HSE Dublin and Midlands Region’s Efforts

Suicide is a global public health challenge that affects individuals and communities worldwide, resulting in over 700,000 deaths each year. The impact of each suicide is profound, extending to the loved ones, friends, and colleagues left behind. Last Tuesday, September 10, hospital and community services in the HSE Dublin and Midlands region came together to mark World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) with a shared goal of supporting those who may be struggling.

The theme for this year’s WSPD, “Change the Narrative,” highlights the importance of reducing stigma surrounding suicide and promoting open conversations to prevent further tragedies. By increasing awareness, challenging misconceptions, and encouraging informed action, we can all contribute to the reduction of suicide rates globally.

### Raising Awareness and Encouraging Action

Raising awareness about suicide and its risk factors is crucial in preventing further loss of life. It is essential to recognize the signs of distress in individuals and provide support before it’s too late. The stigma associated with mental health issues often prevents individuals from seeking help, making it vital to promote understanding and empathy within our communities.

Encouraging open dialogue about suicide and mental health can help break down barriers and create a supportive environment for those in need. By initiating conversations, listening without judgment, and guiding individuals towards appropriate resources, we can make a difference in preventing suicide attempts.

### Support for Those Affected by Suicide

In addition to preventing suicide, it is essential to acknowledge and support those who have been affected by the loss of a loved one to suicide. Compassion, sensitivity, and understanding are crucial in helping individuals navigate the complex emotions that arise from such a tragedy. By offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, we can provide much-needed support to those grieving the loss of a loved one.

Marsha Williams, Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention at the Health Service Executive, emphasizes the importance of being proactive in supporting those at risk of suicide. By encouraging individuals to seek help and providing them with the necessary resources, we can play a significant role in preventing further tragedies.

### Suicide Prevention Programs and Resources

To equip individuals with the skills and confidence to support those at risk of suicide, the National Office for Suicide Prevention has developed a free online program. This program, available at, offers guided online content, videos, and interactive questions to educate participants on suicide prevention. By completing this program, individuals can earn a certificate and contribute to changing the narrative surrounding suicide.

Kevin Brady, Head of Mental Health at the Health Service Executive, highlights the importance of prioritizing mental health and well-being. He emphasizes the availability of local and national services for individuals in need of support and encourages everyone to reach out for help when necessary.

### See Change Green Ribbon Campaign

In addition to World Suicide Prevention Day, the month of September also marks the rollout of the See Change Green Ribbon campaign. This campaign aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and combat stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health.

Staff across the HSE Dublin and Midlands region proudly wear the See Change Green Ribbon to show their support for mental health awareness. By participating in this campaign, they demonstrate their commitment to ending the stigma associated with mental health and promoting a culture of support and understanding.

Kate Killeen White, Regional Executive Officer at HSE Dublin and Midlands, expresses her support for the See Change Green Ribbon campaign and Suicide Awareness activities within the community. She emphasizes the importance of raising awareness and taking action to change the narrative around suicide, encouraging individuals to be a source of encouragement and support for those in need.

In conclusion, World Suicide Prevention Day serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the need for collective action to prevent suicide. By promoting understanding, empathy, and support within our communities, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those struggling with mental health issues. Together, we can change the narrative surrounding suicide and create a more supportive and compassionate society for all.