
Dublin City Council has recently implemented new rules to prioritize cyclists and pedestrians as part of its Active Travel Network, aiming to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all road users. These changes have significant implications for motorists in the city, as they now have to adapt to the new regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of cyclists and pedestrians.

Changes at Junctions

One of the key changes introduced by the Dublin City Council is the installation of flashing amber lights at junctions. This signals a shift in priority, giving cyclists the right of way over vehicles when traveling through junctions. This means that motorists must be more vigilant and considerate of cyclists at these points, yielding to them and allowing them the necessary time and space to navigate the junction safely.

Drivers intending to make a left turn at a junction must now follow specific guidelines to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. They are required to yield to any approaching cyclists, wait for them to clear the junction, and only proceed with their turn when it is safe to do so. By prioritizing cyclists in this manner, the Dublin City Council aims to create a more harmonious coexistence between different modes of transportation on the city’s roads.

Continuous Footpaths

In addition to changes at junctions, the new rules also apply to continuous footpaths, where vehicles and cyclists must yield to pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. When turning into or out of a side road, drivers and cyclists are required to give way to pedestrians on the footpath, ensuring their safety and right of way.

If a driver wishes to make a turn into a side road, they must first yield to any passing cyclists and then to the footpath users. Both the driver and the approaching cyclist must wait for the footpath users to pass before making the turn, with the cyclist going first followed by the vehicle. This sequence of actions prioritizes the safety and well-being of pedestrians and ensures a smooth flow of traffic at these points.

Impact on Motorists

These new rules have a significant impact on motorists in Dublin, requiring them to be more aware and considerate of cyclists and pedestrians on the road. By giving priority to cyclists at junctions and continuous footpaths, drivers must adjust their behavior and driving habits to accommodate these changes.

Drivers are now expected to exercise caution and patience when sharing the road with cyclists, allowing them the necessary space and time to navigate junctions and footpaths safely. This shift in priority reflects a broader societal change towards promoting sustainable and active modes of transportation, encouraging more people to cycle and walk in the city.


Overall, the new rules introduced by the Dublin City Council prioritize the safety and well-being of cyclists and pedestrians, creating a more inclusive and sustainable environment for all road users. By giving cyclists priority at junctions and continuous footpaths, motorists are required to adapt their behavior and driving practices to ensure the smooth and safe coexistence of different modes of transportation in the city.

These changes represent a step towards a more cyclist and pedestrian-friendly Dublin, promoting active travel and reducing congestion and pollution on the city’s roads. As motorists adjust to the new regulations, it is essential for all road users to show mutual respect and consideration, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and safety on Dublin’s streets.