
Irish Watchdog Reports Eir and Ryanair Lead in Consumer Complaints

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) in Ireland has recently released data showing a significant increase in consumer complaints, with Eir and Ryanair emerging as the top two companies receiving the most grievances. The first half of 2024 saw an 18 percent rise in calls to the CCPC compared to the same period in the previous year, with a total of 22,347 individuals reaching out for assistance regarding their consumer rights and personal finance management.

Top Companies for Consumer Complaints

Telecom provider Eir garnered the most attention from consumers, with 356 contacts to the CCPC helpline. Following closely behind was Ryanair with 269 complaints, Sky with 254, Vodafone with 239, and Harvey Norman with 234. These companies were identified as the most frequent sources of consumer grievances, particularly in relation to faulty goods and services.

Grainne Griffin, the CCPC director of communications, emphasized the importance of consumers understanding their rights and responsibilities when engaging with traders. She stated, “Whether you’re buying a birthday card or a brand-new car, you have rights as a consumer, and the trader you’re buying from has certain responsibilities under the law. It can be tricky for consumers to understand their rights when something breaks down or a delivery doesn’t show up, and that’s where the CCPC can help.”

Enforcement Measures and Small Claims Court Referrals

The CCPC takes consumer complaints seriously and uses data from the helpline to identify patterns of non-compliance and serious breaches of the law. During the reporting period, a total of 4,900 consumers were directed to the Small Claims Court, marking a significant increase compared to the previous year. The sectors most frequently referred to the court included home building and improvements, with 624 referrals, and vehicles and transport, with 588 referrals.

Ms. Griffin highlighted the need for changes to the law to empower the CCPC to impose larger fines on businesses that commit serious offences. She stated, “Unscrupulous traders who rip off consumers make it harder for law-abiding businesses to survive. We’ll use all the powers available to us, up to and including prosecution, to detect and penalize lawbreakers.”

Support for Consumers and Businesses

The CCPC aims to educate consumers about their rights and responsibilities to create a fair and transparent marketplace for both consumers and businesses. By providing guidance and support through its helpline and enforcement actions, the CCPC works to ensure that consumers are protected from unfair practices and that businesses operate in compliance with the law.

Future Challenges and Opportunities

As consumer complaints continue to rise in Ireland, the CCPC faces the challenge of addressing the root causes of grievances while also promoting a culture of compliance among businesses. By advocating for changes to the law and implementing effective enforcement measures, the CCPC seeks to create a level playing field where consumers can confidently engage with businesses without fear of exploitation or mistreatment.

In Conclusion

The CCPC’s latest report on consumer complaints highlights the importance of protecting consumer rights and holding businesses accountable for their actions. With Eir and Ryanair leading in consumer grievances, it is clear that there is still work to be done to ensure a fair and transparent marketplace for all. By empowering consumers with knowledge of their rights and enforcing regulations to deter misconduct, the CCPC plays a vital role in safeguarding the interests of both consumers and businesses in Ireland.