
IFA President Francie Gorman has highlighted the significance of Budget ’25 for the farming community, stating that it will be crucial for the sector’s viability under the current government. The pre-Budget submission titled ‘Supporting the Sustainable Development of the Food & Farming Sector’ was recently launched by Gorman, who expressed concerns about the various challenges farmers are currently facing.

During a meeting with the Minister for Agriculture, Gorman emphasized the urgent need for additional targeted support in the upcoming October Budget to address the pressures of rising costs and shrinking profit margins. He pointed to the National Farm Survey conducted by Teagasc, which clearly illustrates the financial strain on farmers due to escalating costs, regulatory burdens, and price fluctuations impacting their income.

Gorman stressed the importance of providing increased support to farmers across all sectors to ensure the continuity of family livelihoods and farm operations. The pre-Budget submission also addresses the necessity of encouraging new entrants into the industry, safeguarding genuine farmers, and promoting sustainable practices to combat climate change.

In light of these concerns, the IFA plans to launch a nationwide campaign leading up to October 1st, aiming to engage with policymakers and advocate for essential measures to support farmers effectively.

Additional Information:

The challenges faced by farmers in Ireland are not unique to the region, as the global agricultural sector grapples with similar issues. Rising input costs, market volatility, and environmental pressures are impacting farmers worldwide, underscoring the need for comprehensive policy reforms and targeted support.

It is essential for governments to work closely with agricultural organizations and stakeholders to develop policies that address the specific needs of farmers while promoting sustainability and resilience in the sector. By prioritizing the well-being of farmers and their livelihoods, policymakers can ensure the long-term viability of the agricultural industry and secure food production for future generations.

Supporting farmers through targeted financial assistance, training programs, and access to technology can enhance their productivity, profitability, and sustainability. Moreover, incentivizing young farmers to enter the industry and providing them with the necessary resources and support can help rejuvenate the agricultural sector and ensure its continued growth and development.

As the global population grows, the demand for food production will increase, placing additional pressure on farmers to produce more with fewer resources. By investing in the agricultural sector and implementing policies that support farmers, governments can strengthen food security, promote rural development, and contribute to economic growth and stability.